DemographicsPOPULATION 02000 Census02010 Census02012-2016 Estimate AREA & DENSITY 0Square Miles0Persons Per Sq.Mi.0%Foreign-Born Population RACE & HISPANIC ORIGINWhite (Non-Hispanic) 23.1%Black (Non-Hispanic) 53.0%Asian (Non-Hispanic) 3.2%Hispanic (of any race) 18.8%Age Under 18 26.3% of residents are under the age of 18 Age 65 & Over 9.3% of residents are 65 and over Rent Burden 46.1% of households spend 35% or more of their income on rent. Access to Parks 95% of residents live within walking distance of a park or open space Mean Commute to Work 41 minutes Street Cleanliness 90.7% of streets rated “acceptable” on the Street Cleanliness Scorecard in FY 2017 Crime 2,699 major felonies were reported in 2017 Educational Attainment 29.6% of residents age 25 years and over have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher Limited English Proficiency 12.1% of residents self-identify as having limited English proficiency Unemployment 8.3% of the civilian labor force is unemployed NYCgov Poverty Measure 22.6% of residents have incomes below the NYVgov poverty threshold. Compare to federal poverty rate. Educational Attainment 29.6% of residents age 25 years and over have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher Land UseMultifamily Walk-up 27.19%1 $ 2 Family 24.12%Public Facilities & Institutions 11.96%Mixed Res. & Commercial 8.40%Vacant Land 4.00%Open Space & Outdoor Recreation 3.35%Industrial & Manufacturing 3.12%Commercial & Office 2.85%Parking & Facilities 2.09%Transportation & Utility 0.57%Other 0.33%ZoningResidence 87.17%Manufacturing 7.72%Commercial 3.68%Park 1.42% Facilities 95 Public Schools 4 Public Libraries 20 Hospitals & Clinics 35 Parks