Recent burglaries have occurred in the business district of Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood.
Physical Security
- Consider installing an alarm system throughout your business.
- Access to rooftop protected.
- Roof openings secured.
- Safes lighted and in open view
- Cash drawer open to prevent damage.
- Locks modern and adequate.
- Doors locked and barred.
- Windows locked and barred.
- Consider installing a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) system. Position them at all exit/entrances and never in direct sunlight.
- It should be able to capture a person’s image from head to knee and allow for full facial view.
- Position monitor near front door in view of customers entering business.
- Exterior lighting should cover the perimeter of your business and should be bright enough to aid the cameras in detecting clear images.
- Interior lighting should be bright throughout the entire business.
- For further information or assistance in regard to the security of your business, feel free to contact the 79th Precinct Crime Prevention Officer (718) 636-6626